Brook Lane Flooding Report

Brook Lane Flooding Report – by Clive Butcher

The FRSA has just completed one of it’s most high-profile projects aiming to put an end to the periodic flooding at the entrance to Brook Lane every time it rains. The situation had worsened over recent years, especially after the gas main had been re-laid through the area concerned in 2022. Storm Ciaran last November resulted in a huge lake that covered the entire width of the road and which persisted for many days.

Flooding across the whole width of Brook Lane.

Investigations by various contractors engaged by the FRSA had found that the area was not draining properly due to a suspected underground pipe blockage leading to the soakaway area. Finally, after several previous smaller works had been unsuccessful, it was decided to relay the whole pipe and the FRSA were pleased to note that a recent thunderstorm shortly after completion of the work showed that it had been successful and that the lake that previously appeared outside the Gem garage in the entrance to Brook Lane has not been seen again.  The excavated area has now been covered over and is being re-seeded so as to match the surrounding grassy area. The drains and soakaway will be become part of the regular maintenance programme organised annually by the FRSA.