
The Annual General Meeting of the Ferring Roads Scheme Association
will be held at 10.00 a.m. on 29th March 2025
in the Ferring Retirement Club, 201 Greystoke Road, Ferring
please follow this link for full details.


The Ferring Roads Scheme Association (FRSA) is an organisation run entirely by a committee of volunteer residents of Ferring.  Its purpose is to privately maintain the roads, drainage and road markings on all FRSA adopted roads, these roads are public highways which have not been adopted for maintenance by the West Sussex County Council (WSCC)

We hope that your solicitor and estate agent have told you about us, the reason for our existence, the way in which we operate and most importantly your responsibility for the collective cost of road maintenance. By joining our scheme individual residents of such roads have agreed to membership of the Association by payment of an annual subscription. As a member the FRSA will take over from you the responsibility for the road outside of your property. In the absence of membership, responsibility for your section of the unadopted road lies with you the property owner. 

As the FRSA is a voluntary organisation with no statutory authority, it has no legal powers to approve or disapprove any physical alterations to the road or temporary road closures.

The FRSA also maintains 5 designated garden sites covered by the scheme, details of which can be found by clicking this link –  https://www.frsa.uk/gardens-reports/

Keeping in Touch

We communicate with our members in the following ways: 

Website – Our website is the most comprehensive source of up-to-date information 

Notice boards – we have three notice boards, located at Highdown Way, the Village Hall and the Pantiles 

All About Ferring booklet – we publish quarterly updates in this magazine

Facebook page, ‘FRSA’.  – Minutes of our meetings and updates are posted on this page.

We hope one of these communication channels will suit your personal preference for obtaining information.

FRSA Aims and Objectives

Road Surfaces – Maintenance of road surfaces by whole road resurfacing and localised repairs, such as potholes, together with annual road sweeping

Road Markings – Maintenance of road markings, white & yellow lines

Gullies – Regular clearance of gullies and testing of existing soakaways as far as possible, so as to prevent flooding of the road or adjacent properties. 

Upkeep of our five garden sites

Maximising FRSA membership

Keeping residents informed via our communication channels.

Useful contacts for matters NOT related to the FRSA Aims and Objectives:

Parish Council on 01903 249449, parishoffice@ferringparishcouncil.org.uk
– Dog waste bins
– Salt bins
– Fallen trees
– Street/road signs
– Litter
– Council adopted roads & traffic regulation orders (for temporary road closures)

Arun District Council on 01903 777655, car.parks@arun.gov.uk
– Parking

Southern Water on 0330 303 0277
– Water Leaks
– Foul water drainage

Mark Warwick on 01903 737500
– Tree Preservation